
We encourage exchanges and the sharing of opinions between Internet users.

However, in order to promote harmonious exchanges, we thank you for reading our Netiquette*.

*Netiquette: Ethical rules put in place to guide the behavior of Internet users on the web, particularly during exchanges on social media.

  1. Be as courteous and respectful as if you were speaking to someone face to face. Comments deemed defamatory, hateful, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, sexist or otherwise offensive will be removed without notice.
  2. Specifically, your content will be rejected if it contains any of the following:
    1. Pornographic, vulgar, obscene or sexually explicit content;
    2. Illegal material (e.g. violating a court order);
    3. Hate speech;
    4. Threats or harassment;
    5. Personal attacks, insults or defamatory content;
    6. Threats or incitement to commit a criminal act;
  3. All comments are read, heard and considered. We therefore encourage you to avoid posting messages multiple times; they could be deleted.
  4. Messages denouncing the practices of a company or organization or its employees by indicating the names will be deleted.
  5. Adding hyperlinks to other sites is authorized, as long as the content is related to the topics discussed. Note that Performance NC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Furthermore, Performance NC reserves the right to disable any external link deemed irrelevant or inappropriate.
  6. You must be the author and owner of your content. Any violation of copyright is prohibited (including copying excerpts from other sites without asking permission and without citing the sources).
  7. Respect the privacy of others by not including any personal information (such as a telephone number or email address) or private conversations in your content.
  8. Advertising in any form and high-pressure sales will not be accepted and may result in deletion.

If you violate Netiquette, your content will be rejected. Performance NC reserves the right to refuse to publish content at any time. Performance NC reserves the right to modify Netiquette at any time, without notice.

N.B. We will respond to all comments, questions or messages during our business hours, Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thank you for your understanding.

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